Texas cities are running low on the MMR vaccine as measles outbreaks expand and drive demand.
The measles epidemic in Texas is growing rapidly, and demand for the MMR vaccine has become overwhelming. Pharmacies are struggling to maintain supplies. Some pharmacy locations report the supply of the..
The measles epidemic in Texas is growing rapidly, and demand for the MMR vaccine has become overwhelming. Pharmacies are struggling to maintain supplies. Some pharmacy locations report the supply of the..
The CDC has provided 2,000 doses of the vaccine to officials in Texas and neighboring jurisdictions. The agency recommends the MMR vaccine as the best defense in preventing measles from spreading to children and adults.
HOWEVER, the agency’s advice…
Vaccines must become…
In Texas and New Mexico alone, 228 cases have been confirmed. There have been two deaths. Officials warn…
“They should put the measles vaccination into overdrive, and then they should be setting up vaccination stations. Because the measles spread – maybe it’s not going to go as quick as the [Covid] pandemic, but if they don’t…
It can linger in the air for hours after a sneeze or cough.
Estimates suggest nine out of 10 non-immune people exposed to measles will become infected.
Measles is far more contagious than the flu, COVID-19, or even Ebola.
So get vaccinated!
And just wait if we are not prepared for the influenza and covid strains coming in the fall.
Like the latest death. An adult who didn’t/couldn’t seek treatment. How many infected are out there trying to weather their symptoms.
here...the other horsemen
cannot be far behind.
So what’s everyone buy at Costco when they go?
“Airborne Transmission – The virus can linger in the air for up to two hours after an infected person has left a room, making it highly transmissible in enclosed spaces.”
Abbott silent on measles
outbreak. Maybe due to
school voucher campaign
his project? These schools
are affected a child died.
Public schools protects w/guidelines. Abbott silence
is eerie~same as he did in
Uvalde tragedy. Reminder!
Vaccines Protect Me From You-And Protect You From Me!
#Vaccination - is the Only Way to achieve 'Herd' or 'Community' Immunity!
Brag About Your Vaccinations!
Show Disdain for Anti-Vaxxers!
The Whole World Knows Better!
🇺🇸 🌍
another 25% died before the age of 17.
50% of children never reached adulthood.
A Trump motto?
The fools that thought that not vaccinating was the way to go.
If you just get them for your kids when you're supposed to, this isn't a problem.
Humans are too stupid to live.
For the adults, nothing but scorn. This is the bed you have made for yourselves. And as you lay there, ask yourself this question...
"Why did I listen to a loud-mouthed politician that wears orange makeup?"
Cause you were DUMB... That's why.
As a kid I got a smallpox vaxx. We eradicated it,so later gens don't even need a shot. Now some won't return the favor and keep us safe from MMR.
It's covid idiocy again.
But we're still here. 👍
They are "principled" with MAGA talking points until they are faced with the consequences. If you didn't drink the fawking KoolAid this wouldn't be an emergency!
The ignorance is STUNNING!
Nothing to SEE here...
WHO April 2024 -
"You think viruses stop after 3 feet and drop to the ground?" Tang said of the classical notion of distance. "That is absurd."
"Airborne viruses travel much like cigarette 🧵
"...fresh emphasis on the need to improve ventilation indoors and stockpile quality face masks before the 🧵
in Mexico
increased pressure on the brain
yellowed skin (jaundice)
At least the fact that mumps is also going around could help them (non-lethally) exit the gene pool before they reproduce.
They had a choice and chose wrong!!
Any change to sentiment is welcome
But you have to ask ..
Why did they let themselves be taken in by #Orangutan and vaccine denier RFK Jr?
There are a lot of grown folks with no immunity to measles left who are asking for boosters to protect themselves from these fools, too.
I am 55 and was fully vaxxed as as a kid. I got my polio booster in January knowing RFK would get the job.
Avoid a mad rush or shortages, get yours now.
You CANT O.D. on vaccines!
Can’t wait to see what RFK Jr’s “Scienticians” have to say!
We already know how this administration works.
As an Aussie I’m starting to think the whole world is sillier than I expected, my fellow Aussies included.
I only get Moderna!
Practically no side effects. Yay!
Vaccinations work!!!
I used to be proud to be a Texan. I stay because I have hope we can once again be a state to be proud of.😳
We should vaccinate the latter and burn at the stake the latter!
Get vaccinated.
Wear a mask.
It's not "just a rash".
As in, "OMG, it's REAL! Someone's kid died and some guy died and it was from this disease that wasn't supposed to be a big deal but it IS a big deal and my kids aren't safe because -- honey, why are you coughing like that?"
The risk assessment has changed.