A positive case of measles has been identified in Maryland, public health officials said Sunday.
The highly contagious virus was detected in a Howard County resident who recently traveled internationally.
(This case is NOT associated with the measles outbreaks in Texas and…
A positive case of measles has been identified in Maryland, public health officials said Sunday.
The highly contagious virus was detected in a Howard County resident who recently traveled internationally.
(This case is NOT associated with the measles outbreaks in Texas and…
because, you know, vaccine preventable disease...
Vaccines Protect Me From You-And Protect You From Me!
#Vaccination - is the Only Way to achieve 'Herd' or 'Community' Immunity!
Brag About Your Vaccinations!
Show Disdain for Anti-Vaxxers!
The Whole World Knows Better!
🇺🇸 🌍
The meeting to get input on which strains might be the most prevalent this fall was postponed (indefinitely). This doesn’t mean there won’t be a flu vaccine this fall - just that its efficacy rate may be lower than previous years.
So that’s probably a few hundred thousand people, on the low end.
1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32...
Let's hope there are fewer of those among the travelers and residents of Maryland than there were in Texas
This makes me reconsider going to the office this week.
State agency alerts: "Anyone who visited the following location.. may have been exposed: Washington Dulles International Airport: The international arrivals area March 5th, 4pm-9pm"
*Offer may not be valid in Texas (MMR shortage)
So is the US now a colossal Petri dish for the world?
Making all Americans as welcome as JD Vance and Don Jr?
High concentrations of people = increased risk
Get vaccinated
Take precautions (mask, washing, distancing etc)
if you traveled through Dulles Airport on March 5 between 4-9pm, be aware
My parents had it (before the vax was available). You better believe that they got my sister and me vaxxed and I later got my daughter vaxxed in turn.
Rashes are not itchy, even when you make yourself bleed from scratching
Ear infections and pneumonia are not painful!! Don't be silly
Really high temperatures don't give you a horrible headache
Dont immunise, measles doesn't hurt
Well heavens! Who could blame the Maryland viral family for hiding or lying about a connection to the Texas side of their family tree?
Are they trying to pass off the measles outbreak to foreigners coming here?
The Texas outbreak is centered in a largely white Mennonite community
(Also, not disagreeing with your premise that they absolutely mean harm to black and brown people)
The ability to save my children from that horror was a gift
Local authorities are in the process of contact tracing, working to identify anyone in the area who may have been exposed to measles.
People may have come into contact with the virus at the following locations:
•Washington Dulles International Airport…
•Johns Hopkins Howard County Medical Center Pediatric Emergency Department on Friday, March 7, between 3:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.
There’s no running away from the global threat represented by America.
(If you, and everyone you're travelling with, are vaccinated and not immunocompromised/vulnerable, etc... Cool. For those who are vulnerable...
(The older vaccine was not as effective, and many did not get the necessary booster when in their teens)
When it showed low resistance, I then received a dose of the MMR vaccine.
wouldnt be surprised for him to shift on this issue if it starts to hurt WHITE people
thin the herd
i dont give a shit about those asshole parents but i feel awful for the kids.. its not their fault
rfk jr.
Vaccinate your kids.
On your knee, playing with their hair after their bath. Brain damaged.
fuckin rich dummies
And how odd that everyone happily goes along. 🙄