We're still dealing with the old crap regarding women writing about WWII. I keep reading that my friends are receiving hostile, sexist and angry comments.
It's pathetic. Women writers are tackling new subjects with aplomb and revisiting old subjects with fresh ideas.
Some upcoming shows on WW2TV
It's pathetic. Women writers are tackling new subjects with aplomb and revisiting old subjects with fresh ideas.
Some upcoming shows on WW2TV
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Some good-looking subjects there, BTW. 👌
But in this case some great books on WW2 by women:
I'm really starting to think these morons weren't beaten hard enough as adolescents because SOMEONE allowed them to reach middle age without suffering consequences for their ignorant bullshit.
Except for these assholes. I'm going to go back in time with a Glock just to pistol-whip them.
May I suggest repeated applications of The Swirly instead?
"Damn, I'm glad y'all aren't here in the US because you'd be out here blastin' 24/7" 🤣