Hey all you #RevPit lovelies! Welcome to my #MeetTheEditor session, where I tell you more about myself, my editing style, and writing or publishing! So, if you are thinking about submitting to me, this is your opportunity to see if we would be a good fit.
Without further ado, let’s get into it!
Without further ado, let’s get into it!
You mention that you only mind some gore if needed for the story. I was just wondering how descriptive can it be before it becomes a big fat no. I don't think I go into too much detail for scenes where people get injured but better to double check!
1) In regards POV, how do feel about third person POV?
2) What are your favourire kinds of retellings?
1) I love third person as much as any other.
2) There's just so many retellings I love, but Beauty and the Beast comes to mind. Also Greek myths and legends, anything Disney, and Jane Austen retellings too :).
I have a genre question. A manuscript that is a cozy heist? Think the found family of Leverage crossed with the comedy of Stephanie Plum.
Mystery? Thriller? Crime? Something else?
Any help appreciated.
To answer your question, I love a cozy adventure-anything! If you can make me have fun and feel good while also making me think more deeply about life, then it's definitely a winner in my book 😃
1. How do you feel about morally-grey main characters?
2. What is a recent fantasy book you’ve read and loved?
Thank you!
Would you be interested in an adult romantic fantasy? The story follows a girl with uncontrollable powers and the God trapped in her mind that gives them to her as they go on a journey to break the curse that binds them together.
#RevPit #MeetTheEditor
#RevPit #MeetTheEditor
#RevPit #MeetTheEditor
#RevPit #MeetTheEditor
#RevPit #MeetTheEditor
#RevPit #MeetTheEditor
You mentioned your response time may take longer due to day jobs. If an author has multiple follow-up questions, would you prefer to receive them in one batch or as they come to mind?
P.S. what fluffies do you enjoy crocheting the most?