That fuckin sucks, but you must persevere. Be it spite or stubborness, find something to drive you forward. There's no better way to wound those that wish you harm.
Your mother will have to find her own way forward. She will come to her senses or she won't. Love is not so conditional.
I must be one of the luckiest guys in the world: My mom was proud of my coming out Bisexual to her, my dad didn't think my sexuality mattered at all, and my Christian grandparents (one of whom is a minister) said that God would be fine with it.
I still remember my grandma telling me that God loves everyone regardless of Religion and everyone deserves Heaven, even the non-religious (I happen to be more of an "Agnostic Deist") .
That was kinda what I was taught as a kid: That a loving god would never torment anyone eternally. When I was religious, I always thought that Jesus’ sacrifice extended to everyone regardless of belief.
Your mother will have to find her own way forward. She will come to her senses or she won't. Love is not so conditional.