Literally no one asked for this.
But as the humble curator of the For Viola series, I feel compelled to shout out four truly phenomenal films that will be hitting Toronto cinemas in the very near future.
But as the humble curator of the For Viola series, I feel compelled to shout out four truly phenomenal films that will be hitting Toronto cinemas in the very near future.
It's also being self-distributed because none of your fave streamers wanted blowback from our billionaire overlords. 🙃
It’s about jazz, African independence struggles, Lumumba's assassination, and a CIA psyop to turn iconic musicians into cultural weapons.
The Best Actress race is surely over before it’s begun.
At latest count, we’ve had over 300 tickets booked, which puts us on pace to sell out pretty soon.
Tell a friend and see you there. 🍉