I'm very envious of your linework on all your drawings and paintings!
Do you think you'll be doing your Virtual Studio on here? I've wanted to join in a couple of times, but I won't be unlocking my Twitter account again I reckon.
The Virtual Studio is here! But in a limited capacity - just the challenges, not all the follows and retweets (I just can’t manage it yet across platforms)
Ach, it's just the challenges and the chance to share that I'm after!
I'm a total amateur really, but I like to draw things for work and for fun, and I want to get better.
Have a go at it! There’s no pressure or deadlines, so you can work from the backlist if you like, or focus on the latest one everyone else is doing! It’s a good excuse to mess around and try things. 🙂
Well you know, now you’ve cast a permanent spell on that bowl in that every time you put yarn in it, you will summon a cat(s) who will F up your yarn 😂
The story is set in China. A farmer has a young son who isn't very good at anything on the farm. One thing he likes to do is draw cats. He drew them everywhere: on the walls, on scraps of paper, in the few books in his family's house. His father is at a loss about what to do with this boy.
Eventually, the father decides maybe he'll make a good priest, so he takes him to the temple and the monks accept him. After a while though, even they are exasperated because though the boy was smart, he still drew cats everywhere. So, they told him he should go to the next town and try the temple
there. So he gets up the next morning with his few things and heads for the next town. Before he left, the priest told him, "Beware of large places at night. Keep to small." It's a long walk and he gets there late at night. He sees the temple on the hill and walks up. He sees the temple is dark
but, he opens the door anyway. The temple looked deserted. He sat down, not knowing what to do when he spies these huge paper screens! Perfect for drawing cats. So he spends the next few hours drawing the cats on the screen. Finally he gets tired but then he remembers what the old priest told him.
Redington and sherlock agree as well
Do you think you'll be doing your Virtual Studio on here? I've wanted to join in a couple of times, but I won't be unlocking my Twitter account again I reckon.
I'm a total amateur really, but I like to draw things for work and for fun, and I want to get better.