(his usual being laid back surfer dude vibes), and initially snappy at anyone that opposes his decisions.
(he gets better, i promise)
KK as DJ F.Lyte has a different problem. He still retains his joyfulness, but also still faces similar problems, particularly the part about "taking him seriously".
(he gets better, i promise)
KK as DJ F.Lyte has a different problem. He still retains his joyfulness, but also still faces similar problems, particularly the part about "taking him seriously".
so when his actions inevitably face the consequence of someone(s) coming up to slap some sense into him, he breaks, a bit. he'll try to redirect, he'll beg, he might even resort to lying and cover-ups, which severely goes against his own
with how hes written in my personal project, Town Town, there's one major event that makes or breaks his rise to cult leader: his brother, Dixi. this isnt to say that he couldnt