hair was shown, it wasn’t fully my real hair 😆
Now, it falls out in little circles that get larger and larger but do eventually start to grow back (alopecia) and it even affects my eyebrows and lashes sometimes too. Though sadly not my legs 😒
I’m not comfortable sharing what my head hair looks
Now, it falls out in little circles that get larger and larger but do eventually start to grow back (alopecia) and it even affects my eyebrows and lashes sometimes too. Though sadly not my legs 😒
I’m not comfortable sharing what my head hair looks
But yep. That’s the story 🤣
I’m not looking for advice or suggestions 🤗 I have everything at a point to what I consider “handled.” Plus I’ve def tried pretty much everything that exists & have tested for everything it feels like lol.
If it helps, mine wasn’t too great either 🤣
The $100 ish wigs are much nicer than the $1,000+ ones 👀
If anyone has ever been curious or has considered them lol.
I own over 40 wigs at this point after years of gathering and after experiencing them all, The super expensive ones aren’t worth it.
Sometimes they’re actually worse 🤣
My best friend started wearing them after her cancer diagnosis and just sort of made it her "thing." Even when most of her hair grew back in, she kept it shaved and wore them.
It's nothing to be self conscious about, or ashamed about.
However, I more than understand why someone would be.
As time has gone on, I went from crying myself to sleep over it to not giving an f whatsoever lmfao.
It just goes back to “society says something or whatever”