If you are a minor, be sure to put that you are in your bio.
Do not follow lewd accounts
Do not lie about your age
Do not engage in romantic roleplay with adults
Close your DMs
I'm SFW so I dont care who follows me but I felt like giving advice since I saw something. Parental instincts.
If you are a minor, be sure to put that you are in your bio.
Do not follow lewd accounts
Do not lie about your age
Do not engage in romantic roleplay with adults
Close your DMs
I'm SFW so I dont care who follows me but I felt like giving advice since I saw something. Parental instincts.
Please stay safe and don't get yourself or other people in trouble [unless it is someone being weird]
I was that kid in the wrong spaces before back when I was roleplaying off MySpace. I'm an old man haha.
Do not do that.