Is their any scientific basis for this I wonder? Sure, sure, it could be confirmation bias but I could swear these far right types are more likely to be child abusers. I mean intuitively it makes sense, most of us never think of children as sexual but they do constantly, apparently.
Despite all their rhetoric, the extreme right wing don't want checks and balances. They want lawlessness and zero accountability. This is why they try to destroy coherent government.
It attracts crooks and abusers.
Yes, that's definitely in there. I can imagine that the far right provides a welcoming home for people who want to disguise their paedophilia by projecting it onto... Well, pretty much everyone who isn't them! Create a smokescreen.
They welcome them in because they don't care where the support comes from.
Russell Brand is a prime example.
Grifters choose the Far Right because it's way easier to get a foot hold, lying is seen as a means to and end, there are no ethics and their base will believe anything.
They're psychos.
It attracts crooks and abusers.
Russell Brand is a prime example.
Grifters choose the Far Right because it's way easier to get a foot hold, lying is seen as a means to and end, there are no ethics and their base will believe anything.
They're psychos.