How did Putin create such a strong hold on Trump? So much so that, unlike virtually everyone else who has dealt with him, he hasn't thrown Putin under the bus? What the hell is truly going on here with Trump and Putin?
Of course its the piss tape that and the fact that Trump is a traitor and Putin has the tape of him being a traitor! It has to be so bad that Trump is scared something that would get him hung!
Ukraine must not allow themselves to give up on their war efforts against Putin. We should not be about wars in like ever throughout all of life here on anywhere on Earth for all life is interconnected. People should not die in the name of war or division or chaos in one country of the...
free world. Order and stability in the name of unity and for the greater good for all is most important. We all as human beings should be to be in times of peace so that learning and working can get done.
Zelensky just said « no » to Trump. That’s why Trump called him a dictator. The entire world is now in the hands of tyrans with cynical, childish or capricious ways of seeing and speaking.
Trump is a flaming imbecile! Everyone in the world is quite aware that Ukraine was invaded by Russians after a few weeks of Putin saying "Oh no, we are not going to do that." Putin & Trump want to blame Zelensky and are screaming for a vote when that would be very difficult in a disrupted country!
Here's a crazy idea - Canada annexes Ukraine. It's becomes a territory with its own rights and freedoms not unlike Quebec. Now as Canada is already a part of NATO...
what is missing from all the prognosticators if I can use that term is a rational argument for Trump support for Russia and Putin. Business venture? Share techniques for implementing an autocracy? Putin has goods to blackmail Trump? Nothing by my count explains it.
Putin is the reason Trump didn't go into bankruptcy so many, many times. He got his rich buds to loan Trump $2 billion through Deutsche Bank. Google "deutsche bank in trouble" and you'll see list of fines and shit against their corruption.
Would Trump also call Churchill a dictator?
After 1935 UK election (when Churchill was not leader), Churchill became leader in 1 940 without a public election, and was leader without any election until defeated in 1945. A gap of elections for 10 years.
Fucking hell as if its not bad enough that Ukrainians are having to fight Russia on one front they have that arsehole in the White House threatening them on another front. Europe and the rest of the world need to stand up to these pair of real dicktators...Putin and his side kick Trumpski!
Trump is rewriting 11 years of Russian occupation of Ukraine for his master Putin.
I anticipate Trump will be spewing tripe like this soon: "I will say this: I don’t see any reason why it would be, Putin has denied invading Ukraine very powerfully."
Projection. Remember when he called VP Harris a nazi? Just one of many.
After 1935 UK election (when Churchill was not leader), Churchill became leader in 1 940 without a public election, and was leader without any election until defeated in 1945. A gap of elections for 10 years.
I anticipate Trump will be spewing tripe like this soon: "I will say this: I don’t see any reason why it would be, Putin has denied invading Ukraine very powerfully."