I wish there was a construct other than a binary, but I can’t think of one (comment if you can), so this is what I’ve got:
I feel a tension in politics between carrots and sticks. I’m aware of orgs that might share some of my beliefs, but we disagree on how to get there. I want to be really clear:🧵
I feel a tension in politics between carrots and sticks. I’m aware of orgs that might share some of my beliefs, but we disagree on how to get there. I want to be really clear:🧵
I’m trying to examine my words so that I don’t sound like I’ve got it figured it out, and that while I have a different viewpoint, I respect the viewpoints of others.🧵
The viewpoints that cause me pain (like those who think some people should have less rights than others), I’m not willing to hold space for, and I don’t have to hold space for them. That’s a boundary for me.🧵
🥕 and stick
I am aligned with the carrot. That doesn’t mean I don’t think the stick isn’t important, it just feels to me like too many people are focused on the stick and my Libra self seeks balance.
I don’t want to make anyone be team carrot.🧵
Instead of hating MAGAs, I’m trying to love myself more. Has nothing to do with them and everything to do with me.
That’s me. I have NOTHING figured out. /end🧵