oh, I should look into it! I've been trying to see if there's any other cons since dokomi is my usual spot but the applications have been so strict I haven't been able to get in 😭
I really recommend Pyrkon, the applications aren’t that strict and it’s really cool! I’m planning on going this year as well!
If you’ll need any help with translating some things on the website (because I’m not sure how well it’s done…) then feel free to DM me!
thank you so much! i might have to ask a friend to go with me and see if i can table with them- i'm so paranoid travelling further by myself...! is it generally fine to just speak english at polish cons? i think so far it's been fine at the german ones i've been at
Oh yeah, absolutely! Many people who are into cosplay and anime, etc., know english pretty well! There might be some problems with people outside the con, as they most likely don’t know English too well.
I also recommend exchanging euro for polish złoty!
If you’ll need any help with translating some things on the website (because I’m not sure how well it’s done…) then feel free to DM me!
I also recommend exchanging euro for polish złoty!