"Pirate Software is TEACHING people to make games!"
No he isn't.
He offers like...very basic information in snippets so he can put them on shorts and get a bunch of dudes with stupid beards and glasses going "WOW HES SO INSIGHTFUL!"
No he isn't.
He offers like...very basic information in snippets so he can put them on shorts and get a bunch of dudes with stupid beards and glasses going "WOW HES SO INSIGHTFUL!"
Apart from, like, a couple of shorts covering a specific topic or his hundreds of streams where he worked on his game and Minecraft mod live.
His shit is just basic. He also shits on RPGmaker, which is a REALLY good engine to start with and tells everyone not to use it.
I know his site he links a lot just says the engine doesn’t matter, the tool that gets it done is the best one to use.
Techbros are just like "WHY ARE THERE DUPLICATE NAMES IN THIS DATABASE? WHY DONT WE JUST CULL THAT" and then they do that and it just immediately breaks everything.