Right now I think that we’re in an era where if we autopilot and just think about our careers or families or hobbies (or all 3), we’re gonna be prone to ruin because the current incentive structure’s trajectory is not going to a good place (climate crisis, social fraying, economic woes etc).
Zoom out. The current playbook employed by those in power is going to continue to continue to diminish in terms of returns. How do we break the doom loop?
We’re gonna have to survive with a lot more dangerous tech (ie nuclear power) in the hands of a lot more people to deal with the changing climate. That requires trust.
Having our engagement and data - bytes of loosh - extracted from us by technofuedal capital owners to keep us angry at shadows on a cave wall will not foster those traits.
We have to be here to posses those traits.
We’re addicted, chronically sick, divided, and mistrustful.
We need a new way of living that can perpetuate itself to inoculate us against this insane memetic selection pressure.
This bottleneck is forcing us to evolve. But we don’t need to leave it to random chance of genes rearranging themselves - we can choose the memes we spread and combine and splice. We have free will.
We’re *in* the rapture. It’s happening around us right now.
But I do know that genes don’t work on the first try. They keep mixing until something clicks.
And so should we.