Having billions of dollars (even if you got it from govt subsidies or ripping off other people’s ideas) is a sure fire way of impressing most of the world
Good PR. Prior to the sink publicity stunt he rarely put a foot wrong - a bit like Trump, he's been able to spout BS and get away with it. I'd say he's great at spotting an investment opportunity and a bastard once he's bought-in.
Very high incidence of spectrum folks in Silicon Valley
A native I worked in education and have many friends and acquaintances there with “atypical wiring”.
Autism and Asperger’s does not make ANYONE a Nazi. In fact normally it’s the opposite.
Certain drug users tho should NOT have government access
Yes! Silicon Valley (Valley of Hearts Delights) Apple Land (Cupertino) native, brilliant engineer dad, brilliant engineer husband and many friends the same.
There are ~8 intelligences. Each of us possess them ALL in different amounts like bars on a bar graph
Not all bar graphs should be in charge.
Because he knows just enough to bullshit the average idiot.. but every time he is confronted by someone who actually knows what they're talking about he goes straight to ad hominem
I find that the people who usually blindly follow shit like this are neurotypical (sorry) bc their brains don't seek safety as the primary need. ND people seek safety, and so we know when a person isn't safe (our brains start hitting the alarm system.)
In return, I'll suggest anything by Terry Goodkind. His sword of truth series is written around truth, logic, and reason. Changed my life as a twenty something way back when.
A native I worked in education and have many friends and acquaintances there with “atypical wiring”.
Autism and Asperger’s does not make ANYONE a Nazi. In fact normally it’s the opposite.
Certain drug users tho should NOT have government access
There are ~8 intelligences. Each of us possess them ALL in different amounts like bars on a bar graph
Not all bar graphs should be in charge.
Bloody fools.
That was a lot of words to say no. They don't.
In return, I'll suggest anything by Terry Goodkind. His sword of truth series is written around truth, logic, and reason. Changed my life as a twenty something way back when.
Erich Fromm, The Heart of Man (1964)