The idea that science and religion are naturally at odds and mutually exclusive ignores realities such as a Jesuit priest (Georges LeMaitre) being the first to posit the Big Bang theory.
If God were real he would be doing some pretty heavy smiting in America right now at the amount of people taking his name in vain....but he isn't, so he won't be.
Why not. You don't need to be religious to read the bible and see the stories and parables. Even atheists can do it. God used frogs, famine, locust, floods and many more, according to the bible, as punishments. Why not Trump.
It's too bad that people need such a crutch to go through life, but it's true, the facts are that religions are just beliefs, the only fact involved when you refer to religions is that they are the source of too many wars and hatred around the planet.
Finally someone that speaks my language.😎 As a former Catholic, once I started educating myself on its history and what we grew up being taught, I was out. I DO NOT KNOW what is out there. And I’m not afraid to not know. I just want to know the TRUTH.
Oestra is the pagan diety of new life. Her celebration is about the begining of spring. Thats why chick's and bunnies are a big part of it. They are symbols of renewed life and prosperity.
For lack of better words, science is our explanation and interpretation of creation, like putting a picture into words. People who believe they are opposed misunderstand religion. Usually, due to those who misrepresent it.
What I am "Attempting" to say is the two things (ie. Science and religion)are not mutually exclusive. Just as the most widely accepted theory for the creation of the universe is the "Big Bang Theory," Creation theory provides the catalyst.
And that widely accepted theory, the Big Bang Theory, was developed by a Catholic priest. So obviously it didn't conflict with ("destroy") his faith in any way. People who promote this dichotomy seem to have an oddly narrow understanding of people's relationship to both science and faith.
If facts can destroy your faith, there was never any true faith to begin with, but delusions and lies.
A good religion is predicated on philosophy, ideals, and morality - immeasurable concepts meant to nourish and temper human wisdoms, guiding it towards a higher insight into the human condition.
Facts don’t destroy religion. They clarify the reality in which religion operates. Any religion worth its salt is not threatened by facts, but changes and grows joyfully in response.
It is the religionist's fault, when facts destroy the religionist's religion. People that witness falsely in the name of a religion are despicable liars, not respectable virtuous people.
Because if there really was any god of any practiced religion, society would be required to hunt the sadistic narcissist down and kill it for the good of all.
The 2 are in conflict and you must barging with your beliefs to be an effective scientist. In science, the very second you stop questioning it, you are no longer a scientist.
What are ethics? Is it ethical for a capitalist to take every penny from the rest until all the rest are nothing but wage slaves? Is it ethical not to feed and house the downtrodden?
Religion was created so dirty old men could sexually assault kids. They made Jesus so they could feel better about themselves doing it. If the voice they heard was called Bob, they'd be on medication & under the care of a trained professional.
We've normalized hearing voices called God & Jesus
Science, as it was practiced before recent decades, was simply about trying to understand nature (the world, the cosmos). It doesn't really have anything legitimate to say about religion per se, though some militant atheists seem to think so.
There is a difference between asking whether religious texts contain verifiable assertions about actual events and practicing religion in the universal spiritual sense. Souls and morality are subjects outside the magisterium of science, paraphrasing evolutionary biologist Stephen Jay Gould.
I just watched a show about how Muhammad traveled with "Angel Gabriel" to meet with the prophets, et al.. And that angel was, wait for it: ANCIENT ALIENS (say YES)...
Right, but if someone presented you with a double blind, placebo controlled study, w/adequate rigor verifying “God’s” existence, you would believe it. That’s science.
I believe our ancient ancestors were afraid of natural events, like earthquakes, lightning, volcanoes, etc.. They needed some sort of explanation for such events and they looked to the heavens for some semblance of peace of mind. 'Gods' were the likeliest explanation, to them.
I think religion is destroyed by people who publicly profess belief in a loving and human diety/dieties and then do everything in their power to promote hate, domination. and greed. Religious people destroy religion.
Religion gives Faith a bad name
Christians hijacked that celebration also.
"Reality is what exists after you stop believing in it."
Both are actively resisting Project 2025.
They need our support now more than ever.
A good religion is predicated on philosophy, ideals, and morality - immeasurable concepts meant to nourish and temper human wisdoms, guiding it towards a higher insight into the human condition.
There's a bit of AI generated cringe in it tho.
Science asks how, faith is concerned with why. Ever since Newton destroyed Aristotelian purpose-based physics, this has been so.
The 2 are in conflict and you must barging with your beliefs to be an effective scientist. In science, the very second you stop questioning it, you are no longer a scientist.
Man demands to not be questioned.
Man demands condemnation and subservience.
Man demands law and order.
Everything outside of Man is philosophy. It's psychology 101, especially when to consider when a faith tempered, and the history of that time.
Don't get blinded because of the loudest and most corrupt failures. Many people look for guidance on a very human level to that community.
We've normalized hearing voices called God & Jesus
And even in science doesn't say it, raping a young girl and paying her father 50 shekels is not a good belief.
Science eats its own.
1. Exempt the priests from doing any real labour.
2. Surmount political power and wealth to the priests.
The rest is magical tricks, showmanship and scams.