Yep been in 7 so called sects of this so called”religion” hell us a creating to induce fear and give your masters in the church power over every element of your life. Tithing is the most obvious but there are many others.
I used to go to a Christian church that preached that everyone goes to heaven regardless of belief because God loves everyone. "Hell" is just a self-imposed state that comes from rejecting God's love.
The first mentions of "Hell" appeared in English translations, but earlier texts referred to Gehenna, a real location in Jerusalem used as a garbage dump. In biblical references, Gehenna was used metaphorically to illustrate that living a wicked life leads to emptiness and ruin.
You forgot the biggest scam, heaven. You can’t have a hell without the scam of heaven. Religion is a quid pro quo farce. We’re supposed to give ourselves over to a promise of something that can’t be proven to exist or face the damnation of something else that doesn’t exist. That’s all religions
True, but there are better ways of making a point than using AI. It has a large impact on the environment and limits human creativity when it comes to artwork…
Oh yes the Mega Churches just caught on a few decades ago how it works. The Catholic Church has been working this for centuries. It seems to be pretty profitable.
Religion itself is a scam to control you. But more importantly take your money. Heaven and Hell are both scams. Play by some made up rules that constantly change or are reinterpreted to what end? Going on forever doing what? That’s the true hell.
I believe that is was by design to create the myth eternal damnation in fire, none the less, and a God who cannot be appeased unless you follow in unwavering worship and never question his message which is the bed rock of all cults!
No, a belief that began among tribal peoples with no powerful ruling class. To scare everyone into following whatever rules the tribe thought proper.
Religions did often curb the greed of the rich.
A belief in reward or punishment after death helped societies that believed it.
Not a scam. HEll is where there is death and destruction, war, weather catastrophes, sickness and disease, people starving, genocide, hate, leaders that don't care, brainwashed and assimilated people. The Bible says how shall ye generation of vipers escape the damnations of hell?. We are in Hell
If God really existed, he or she is one cruel mother fucker! Why would an all-powerful being allow the pain & suffering of children, or the abuse of women, or the indifference to hungry weak people??? I CALL BULLSHIT! God is a cop out, a shame, a way to convince suckers to obey and give away money!
Italo Calvino wrote: The inferno of the living is not something that will be; if there is one, it is what is already here, the inferno where we live every day, that we form by being together. There are two ways to escape suffering it.
The second is risky and demands constant vigilance and apprehension: seek and learn to recognize who and what, in the midst of the inferno, are not inferno, then make them endure, give them space.
They removed all references to Incarnation and inserted Hell. They needed to control the masses. It has been a scam since before Neolithic times. No such thing, same for heaven. It is only in your mind
if you are living your lire like there is no God, you'd better right. In others words be a good person and you don't have to worry about meeting Trump in the here after 😆
No. Satan is the scammer who makes people believe there is a better place waiting. A paradise behind a door which slowly closes. One day it shuts and you are trapped and the paradise disappears and becomes a wasteland.
Basically deffered vs. instant gratification.
Generally middle vs. lower income/class.
When the tide turns against the ruling class, it will be feral and beautiful to behold.
I work w dementia patients and one ‘good’ Christian woman goes on about how what is important is where you go after you die. Bitter, smarmy sarcasm. All I can think is ‘if heaven is full of folks like you, lady, I’ll take my chances with Hell’
This is true. Burning people in hell is not a scriptural teaching and slanders God.
"...which is in the Valley of the Son of Hinʹnom, in order to burn their sons and their daughters in the fire, something that I had not commanded and that had never even come into my heart" - Jeremiah 7: 31
Looking at you US government.
Smart enough to not behave
You've got one for in the grave
He works 24 hours a day ..
If only...
Hung on the wall, shared the room
With twenty sinners
Not all Christianity is about hate.
Religions did often curb the greed of the rich.
A belief in reward or punishment after death helped societies that believed it.
Been a while since I've seen this much filth and Garbage...
Generally middle vs. lower income/class.
When the tide turns against the ruling class, it will be feral and beautiful to behold.
"...which is in the Valley of the Son of Hinʹnom, in order to burn their sons and their daughters in the fire, something that I had not commanded and that had never even come into my heart" - Jeremiah 7: 31