Is actually the opposite. It accelerates vitals if anything. It primarily works NMDA pathway and comparing to opioids is nonsensical unless you do molecular pharmacology for a living and can speak to the nuances
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It is, at least contributed. But mainly because he was in a hot tub and became so sedated that he drowned. If he took the exact same dose on his couch, he would’ve been fine
How long til Elon’s mind deteriorates so bad that he’ll collapse into a toothless and quivering junkie who can no longer hide his moral & intellectual fraudulence from the world. (Apologies to the junkies not named Elon.)
Apparently, Trump has been decompensating for well over a year (a different form of deterioration admittedly) but the public can’t tell. I’m hoping drugs speeds Elon’s along.
Actually,my 18 year old daughter died from Neuroendocrine Pancreatic and liver cancer after fighting it for 2 years. Her palliative care hemo-onc doctor explained it to us in the way I said...when we discussed end of life pain management. Living it vs reading about it
I am so sorry for your loss. 😓 I hope you have a strong system of support in dealing with this tragedy. May your daughter’s memory be for a blessing. 💔🕯️
I'm fairly certain he claims to "microdose" which is done with lots of things that would render one useless at full strength. (THC, psylocybin, LSD)
He fancies himself a brinksman.
Well, we know what happened to Prince, Elvis, and many others.. Adding more, more, mistakes in dosing, who knows... Dangerous especially mixing with his other drugs
Also sorry for your loss. Anesthesiologist here, but iruntbamimma is correct. Although it has potent analgesic properties, Ketamine acts primarily on NMDA receptors, not opiate receptors. It is hallucinogenic, differing in chemical structure from LSD by a single methyl group.
I wouldn’t say it’s for “light” anesthesia, but there are reasons to use it. Someone may have told you that because you can administer ketamine and patients will tolerate noxious stimuli but continue to breathe, thus appearing to be “lightly” anesthetized.
Thank you. Why is it used for end stage cancer? I sat with her that last day, and she did not seem to be in pain; my assumption was that it was the ketamine IV drip.
As I said, it is a potent analgesic and is sometimes clinically useful, especially for people who have been in chronic pain, who may have become habituated to opiates, such that opiates no longer provide adequate pain relief.
Again, that makes sense. Who knows what i heard or believed i heard. As you can imagine, it was a brutal battle and we just wanted her comfortable. Thank you for clarification.
What you've lived is unthinkable to just about anybody reading your comment. I am incredibly saddened. I'm certain your daughter was fiercely courageous.
He fancies himself a brinksman.
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