Kharkiv's Taras Shevchenko monument remains shielded by sandbags and plastic to protect it from russian bombings. Yet, for the great writer's birthday, the city decorated it nonetheless.
I miss our Taras deeply and can't wait for the day I can see him again.
I miss our Taras deeply and can't wait for the day I can see him again.
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коли на українських полонинах,
закутий народ
розірве свої ланцюги.
Благословенні ваші діти на цих землях
дотиком твоїх натруджених-загартованих рук.
Тоді настане наш день надії,
Відродиться українська слава.
Тарас Шевченко
The time is near,
when on Ukraine’s plains,
a shackled folk
will burst its chains.
Blessed be your children in these lands
by touch of your toiled-hardened hands.
Then shall our day of hope arrive,
Ukrainian glory shall revive.
Taras Schevchenko