He will be placed into protected custody because he was a CO. So he likely will never have any interactions with other inmate. In his cell 23 hours a day. With 1 hour outside, by himself. That’s a special kind of hell too.
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No, many people absolutely deserve the death penalty. The problem is that only a perfect criminal justice system can ensure that only those who deserve to die get the death penalty. But there can never be a perfect criminal justice system, and that is why there should be no death penalty.
For most crimes I give the same argument for the death penalty. As a parent of 5, touch my kid and a death penalty will be had, albeit not dolled out by the justice system. And most juries would have a hard time convicting a parent for this crime of vengeance.
Unless of course you made a mistake and killed the wrong person, one who was innocent, which is what an imperfect criminal justice system inevitably does at some point.
You murdering someone and getting it wrong makes you a murder. The state murdering someone and getting it wrong makes us all murderers. The death penalty is morally abhorrent not because killing is wrong. Some people must be killed. The death penalty is wrong because the state does it.
I agree, but at the same time I think there are people who are so pathologically and irredeemably antisocial that the most responsible course of action (assuming perfect certainty) is execution.
Anyone who is likely to be killed by other inmates, is put into protective custody this way. Technically it’s not part of the punishment. It’s for the names own safety. And to prevent liability on behalf of the Gov’t.
Short lived compared to the lifelong experience of a child, or any person sexually assaulted, abused, trafficked or raped. Me or my kid or my family, my weapon, my justice.
Prison isn’t supposed to be for retribution, and having actually been both been sexually assaulted as a young child and lived in poverty as a shut-in i would not wish solitary or even prison as it exists on anyone.
On the prison thing I would usually agree. But as a survivor myself, and a mother of 5, I side with the majority of society on this matter. Prison is supposed rehab people. Science indicates pedos can’t be Rehabed. So death or forever locked up are the only current answers.
I have no sympathy whatsoever for child molestors, even the ones who “only” look at child porn. He’s forfeited his right to go on breathing air, far as I’m concerned.
- J.R.R. Tolkien, 'The Lord of the Rings'