I've always thought of Australia as diet Canada. Most of both countries you can't live in, lots of shit will kill you, but in Canada, you can die in the +50C or the -70C, your choice.
"had to be stopped by Ricky"
Someone please make an animation of Ricky taking a maniacal Eliot too keep him from picking on someone called Simon or Nigel who's wearing a powdered wig.
Real talk the disdain I express towards the UK is 90% just an extension of my disdain for the US and 10% a natural reaction to their objectively silly monarchy
You know I feel like Americans care more about Irish unification than the Irish do sometimes. The UK is just as bad as America in government/Society labour is basically appealing to conservatives and just hates its members. If Trump ran here he would win no doubt we had Boris ffs
My spouse's ex is British and they told me about a time growing up when he and his learning disabled brother were walking home from school and another kid threw a brick at his brother and that was just normal faire over there.
Someone please make an animation of Ricky taking a maniacal Eliot too keep him from picking on someone called Simon or Nigel who's wearing a powdered wig.
*Brits of Indian descent