Reminder that Elon instantly gave video evidence to the cops within minutes when the cyber truck allegedly blew up in front of Trump Towers, with quite sparkly fireworks
Surely if it is, the perpetrator could just claim it was some kind of Roman ritual. Pr that in daubing the car with red paint, they were giving it their love.
The article doesn't touch on it directly, but there's no doubt in my mind those cameras have recorded people doing sexual stuff in the cars. These offices and servers should absolutely be raided under the assumption that there is more than likely inappropriate videos of minors in storage.
Yes well is why I would have never bought any car from them even if I could drive so many problems with these crap vehicles and doesn't surprise me they are spying on people. They can pretend they aren't but you know they are to what end I don't know.
Yup. And they track your movements as we saw with the truck that exploded in front of Trump Towers. They were even able to unlock the car with zero authority from the owner to do so. You're not buying a car- you're buying a data mining system
And at the price tag can you imagine the secrets they’ve been stealing from everyone. All they have to do is write a program for key words. Affairs or misconduct, trade secret? How do we know they don’t use external “gangs” like they are currently doing to government entities to extort
Average citizens and get a cut of each one of those. No wonder he’s shaking in his boots. He’s going down on a massive scale. Maybe he will transfer all of his extortion documents and make a deal with trump so that he has collateral on a different level.
I wonder if home invasion criminals use Tesla car cameras to monitor potential victims homes. Is that possible? Hidden cameras have been found around residential Los Angeles used by criminals. #justsayin
Wild how the maga rags just instantly 180'd on the company now that irl Kirk Van Houten is in the Oompa Loompa's inner circle.
A single update could make it happen:
- Every Tesla monitoring every second
- Streaming back to Tesla via Starlink
- Grok AI parses the data
- Crosslink to X data to identify individuals