PSA: Blocking is better than muting. All muting shitty people does is allow them to continue being shitty in your replies while you pretend they're not there.
Block early, block often.
Any short-term "attention" they get is outweighed by the long-term benefits of removing them from your space.
Block early, block often.
Any short-term "attention" they get is outweighed by the long-term benefits of removing them from your space.
Point is always dont give them attention
The point is to remove them from your space. Whether that gives them attention or not is irrelevant. They don't factor into the equation.
I don't care if shitty people brag about being blocked by me because
1) their opinions don't matter, and
2) anyone who knows me even a little knows the type of people I block, so I can assure you that them bragging about it is not the clever comeback they think it is.