I just went on TikTok and this one video keeps playing over and over. It won’t let me go anywhere, but I’m not getting the “go home. We’re not open sign.”
Now I am relying on you to keep me posted as 💩 goes down in the next 72 hours. This has been like watching an epic crime thriller and some just pulled the plug 5 mins before the end of the movie. 😘
Yep like Scandal and the Huck storyline where we were all in a car that just flew off a cliff into the water. The car was sinking filling with water, two inches of air left and bam commercial break and then we lose power.
Sorry, I’m in Aus🇦🇺, my MSM is just as biased. That’s why I hang out on the apps to hear real people on the ground in 🇺🇸 making the links and sharing insights. I know more about USA pres election than #AusPol.
I am not international but I couldn’t see your tik tok earlier today. I actually went to check if you had posted anything recently but couldn’t find you.