NEW SINGLE OUT!! "I Am Afraid"
Give it a listen, save it to your playlists, drop a few cheeky pennies, tell friends and randos etc, you know what to do
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Give it a listen, save it to your playlists, drop a few cheeky pennies, tell friends and randos etc, you know what to do
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Keep this up! You guys are really lovely!
It's one that embodies a feeling and a state of being that many of us have been entrenched in, and has been relatable for me especially as of late!
funny that it ended up being our first. Glad you like it :D
There is a lot of solace in knowing through a song that your feelings and thoughts are shared 🥺
At the time I wrote this I knew things were getting considerably darker but I was not counting on this song to be *this prescient*
Classic rock at its finest with a personal, very human, touch
As a guy who lives in a constant state of "I don't like this, I'm scared" I found a real familiarity with minimalist but frank lyrics
The music homed in on it perfectly, I love the intro and outro🎶
Keep it up ^-^