Verse ane o Norrowa’s naitional anthem:
Ay, we luve leal an fain
This laun o oors at luims
Rooderie, stour-scaured ower the tide
Wi hir thoosan hames.
Luve hir, in wir luve mindin on
Thaim at cleckit us.
An auld tales at the nicht-come
Brings lik drames tae the yird.
Ay, we luve leal an fain
This laun o oors at luims
Rooderie, stour-scaured ower the tide
Wi hir thoosan hames.
Luve hir, in wir luve mindin on
Thaim at cleckit us.
An auld tales at the nicht-come
Brings lik drames tae the yird.
Yes, we love with fond devotion
This our land that looms
Rugged, storm-scarred o'er the ocean
With her thousand homes.
Love her, in our love recalling
Those who gave us birth.
And old tales which night, in falling,
Brings as dreams to earth.