“Libertarians” / fake anarchists / crypto-fascists are authoritarians, not the opposite of that. They have preferred laws relating to the definition, distribution, use of economic power to resolve interpersonal conflicts of preferences, allocate resources, they just don’t want democracy involved.
Laws or rules are meant to resolve interpersonal conflict via a mechanism way people agree to accept, as government such as democracy. Assuming away such conflict is utopian, unreal. It’s typically just a place mark for one’s own preferred laws, rules, hence crypto-fascism or fake anarchism.
Anarchists organize through direct democracy and mutual aid, with rules and agreements made collectively from below - not imposed by state or capital. We use anarchist federalism to organise this way.
You didn't read my statement that anarchism means no rulers, NOT no rules.
Utopian anarchists and fake anarchists are important players in the rise of anti-democracy sentiment in the USA and the movement toward authoritarian. I don’t support using the term “anarchy” to refer to support for direct democracy. Many support democratic law, government, including liberals.
Thank you.I’m so tired of people throwing that word around and not knowing what it means. Read some David Graeber (R.I.P.) who is/was smart as hell, eloquent and as down to earth as anyone.
Utopian anarchism is a childish bit of nonsense. In reality, people living under conditions of anarchy work very hard to form any government, any law, so society may thrive. It’s typically just used to support anti-democracy sentiment in favor of certain preferred laws, so crypto-fascism.
If you're looking for a quiz that is a little more in depth, and robust 9Axes is good. There is also 8Values which this one is based off of. https://9axes.github.io/
I consider myself a leftist/progressive democrat. I think successful people are obligated to provide significant financial support to the working class of the society from which they received that success.
I think what really hurts our economy is when people hoard massive amounts of wealth and then remove it from that same economy and tie it up in stocks and bank accounts. We want to foster a society in which most of the wealth is in constant circulation among the working class.
In order for rich people to get rich, they require the labor of the working class to manufacture goods, to transport goods, to market goods, to sell goods, and to buy goods. I feel they are obligated to share their success equally with those who made it possible.
I was 2 up and over from the bottom left last time I took that, with similar results on other occasions. A results plot with more than 2 axes would be pretty fantastic, though.
You didn't read my statement that anarchism means no rulers, NOT no rules.
And that’s not necessary a bad thing. But that leads in practise to trading slogans that are rarely empirically or intellectualy challenged ⚙️
Anarchy is Order (A in an O)
an- "without" + arkhos "rulers"
Come to Bottom Left, we have cookies!