What’s your favorite Final Fantasy?
I would choose VI, but I’ll choose another one: X! It’s the only one with Asian vibes, a snappy turn-based combat system, and the Sphere Grid! Not to mention Yuna and Tidus’ romance!
I would choose VI, but I’ll choose another one: X! It’s the only one with Asian vibes, a snappy turn-based combat system, and the Sphere Grid! Not to mention Yuna and Tidus’ romance!
Hard to choose...
IX is overall the best, X I love the sphere grid and the characters a lot, VI has the best OST and a great world. XII is the most underrated of them all.
Overall - Final Fantasy Tactics
I love FFT's job system,, and SRPG mechanics. For X, I like the Sphere Grid has a representation for character growth, and the story is full of emotion.
After that would be FFXIV, FFVII, and FFIX (except for the combat)
But XII is a close second