I have to wonder how those numbers compare for states that have mail-in/drop-off voting only & all registered voters are automatically mailed a ballot without having to request one, like Washington, Oregon, & Colorado. Not that it helps until we have nationwide standards, but I'm curious.
Amazing what happens when the state doesn't actively put up barriers to keep people from voting, and instead makes it as easy as possible.
Which is exactly why the gerrymandered to hell and back south won't do it until/unless there's national standards forcing them to.
(Sorry, am snarky.)
I'm snarky too! I live in Alabama now, but did live in Oregon for several years and it was so easy! They just sent it to you! With all the relevant info so you could make intelligent decisions!
Yes. To get *any* help in Alabama for anything, you have to cut off a limb or gouge an eye out - because anything less than that means that you are just fine! No excuses! - and even then it's not easy or assured.
I was in Washington/Seattle, & I'm in Maryland now. Maryland fortunately allows for absentee ballots for any reason & the application is easy to fill out (and online!), but the fact that I have to do that for every election in the first place is annoying, especially after living in WA for 11+ years.
It's great, my ballot just shows up at my house now, and my wife picked the "you print the ballot" option (I picked "mail me the ballot" because I WOULD forget)
source - https://sos.oregon.gov/elections/Documents/statistics/november-2020-statistical-summary-participation.pdf
Which is exactly why the gerrymandered to hell and back south won't do it until/unless there's national standards forcing them to.
(Sorry, am snarky.)
It's like night and day between the two states.
It's great, my ballot just shows up at my house now, and my wife picked the "you print the ballot" option (I picked "mail me the ballot" because I WOULD forget)