When I remove a sticker from my classroom whiteboard, my 6th graders damn near fight for the chance to be the one to peel the adhesive residue. I'm sure they'd cost less than $1500 and they'd upcycle the eyes
$1500 is a ridiculous amount to spend on removing stickers
I'd personally put resolving the crippling inefficiency of the city's use of public funds before it creates a black hole that swallows the city above googly eyes on the priority list, but I'm no politician
That's amazing! But having been to Bulgaria ( a lovely country with amazing food and drink) I will say that I hope they have a lot of googly eyes as they will need them
"Please stop doing that. We know it looks adorable, and the news tabloids are having a field day with it and driving so much attention to how cute it is, but please stop doing it..." 😂
$1500 to remove the googly eyes? How much to leave them on? I suggest they ask Glasgow city council about the traffic cone on top of the Duke of Wellington's statue.
I'd personally put resolving the crippling inefficiency of the city's use of public funds before it creates a black hole that swallows the city above googly eyes on the priority list, but I'm no politician