1. hard to say. functionally I prefer the fine control of digital art, but visually I prefer the LOOK of real pencil art, its why I looked so hard for a good pencil-like brush for CSP. hm.. if I REALLY had to choose, I guess digital overall
2. I think I started really drawing around age like... 7 or 8? at least that's when people started taking note of my interest in drawing, as far as I recall
3. I studied graphic design for 5 years, but outside of that I took very few traditional art classes. I was kinda forced into graphic design solely, so I wasn't permitted to take anything else 3
4. HANDS, AND I AM VERY GOOD AT IT, IF I DO SAY SO MYSELF. love the shapes, they're fun to draw.
that and flowing/ruffled fabric, I adore it and it feels soooo good to see the motion come together
5. constantly. almost every time I draw. for everything. I need a reference for my references. I reference for color picking, for posing, for body types, for EVERYTHING. I don't always show references when I draw on stream, but trust that I have at least 3 or 4 open.
6. can't say I really have a least favorite. there are things I don't draw much, like backgrounds/environments, but even those I generally enjoy to some degree. vehicles I guess? I draw mecha just fine, but vehicles are toughhhh for some reason
that and flowing/ruffled fabric, I adore it and it feels soooo good to see the motion come together