There is also a cardiovascular benefit and myriad other benefits. No one cared to write a single article on these drugs back when they were just for diabetes. I sold one mixed with insulin as far back as 2013/2014 (was a rep) and we COULD NOT GIVE IT AWAY. 1/
2/ Once are indicated for weight loss the opinions flow. Is it worth it? Considering everything with respect to health is made more dangerous and more difficult by the burden of obesity I would argue yes. And if there are less expensive/less invasive methods of weight loss I have not found them.
Most people that are excited about these drugs have been ow their entire lives. Ask them. Personal trainers Nutritional Counselor TherapyHypnosis. Weight loss programs like Medifast(Looking at you muscle mass loss) Liposuction. Gym memberships. I could go on. I want to write the anti-anti article.
Finally, you do realize that GLP's work EXACTLY the same in type2 diabetics that they work in OW people ,right? That part of the REASON they reduce glucose burden is bc they also provoke weight loss. It is the same mechanism of action for ow whom often also have insulin resistance but not diab. YET.