Final session of #ACES2024 😢
Very excited for this session, Beyond Pronouns: A Crash Course from the Trans Journalists Association by Graph Massara!
Very excited for this session, Beyond Pronouns: A Crash Course from the Trans Journalists Association by Graph Massara!
Broadly, this includes trans men, trans women, nonbinary people* and other gender-expansive people. *Not all nonbinary people call themselves trans, though NB people are also not cisgender.
This is a way to say “non-trans”.
Some NB people use neutral pronouns like they/them or neutral titles (Mx.).
More specific labels exist under the “nonbinary umbrella” (genderfluid, agender, etc.).
Social transition: Using a new name and pronouns, dressing in different clothes, and using different changing/restroom facilities.
Legal transition: Updating legal paperwork (IDs, passports, etc.) with a different name and sex marker.