I love deck building in commander. It's just a great exercise that I consider genuine creative expression when your commander isn't absolutely linear pushed nonsense. #MtG
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I really tend towards cards with overlap. So if a card does only one thing in the deck it will likely get axed for something that does multiple things or has multiple situational uses. I also avoid tutors in general and certain cards I deem overplayed.
What do you play, Hawk?
Got a Bant Dog Tribal deck that I haven't gotten to actually test yet, Karlach Gruul beatdown with the Secret Lair cards, Dimir Surveil around Mirko Obsessive Theorist which was my first deck that I got around May or so. Uhhh, Doctor Who Jeskai Suspend with Rose and Ninth. Ye, that's most of em xD
I also avoid tutors, unless the deck is pure jank or doesn’t have a specific wincon. Going and finding your combo piece to go infinite is sometimes kinda lame. The RNG is what I like about commander.
I really like token decks in general. My favorite commander is probably Baylen the Haymaker. I cracked the fancy raised foil of him in my first bloomburrow pack and fell in love with the art. Turns out he’s a beast as a commander too so it’s been a blast. Yuriko is fun too, but sparingly.
What do you play, Hawk?
Teach me Manny!
- Pokémon
- YuGIOh
- Card fight Vanguard
- Weiss Schwartz
- Force of Will
- Hearthstone
So I know general TCG mechanics but MTG is so established I don't know where to start 🤣 I played all of the above as they were released
https://www.moxfield.com/decks/YDnSA3NjqEmnngMAr6yJJg (the other decks are in my moxfield profile)