they def got some shit to tune up (and im not on board with EVERY choice so far),but as an overall demonstration of the new gameplay loop i am fucking convinced theyre onto something here
and the diagnostic gameplay is pure genius. perfect fit for the bachelor. no notes
really looking forward to the game, i do hope they take some of the gameplay feedback to heart and find a way to achieve the best of both worlds for the full release. also work on the jank lol
as it stands it does feel strictly less dynamic and immersive than p2, despite the admittedly clever implementation of the fast travel
though there are some weird choices there too. artemy talks about how he "has his own storyline" for instance, which feels far too on-the-nose
environment design is beautiful too, if hampered somewhat by the loading zones and their associated The Fog Is Coming
really looking forward to the game, i do hope they take some of the gameplay feedback to heart and find a way to achieve the best of both worlds for the full release. also work on the jank lol