Thanks for this I guess, mod team
Literally as I'm thinking how I value the community I've built, painstakingly slowly over the years and feeling like things are going well despite that, you pull this shit and now I gotta start self-policing over nothing?
Just fuck off.
Literally as I'm thinking how I value the community I've built, painstakingly slowly over the years and feeling like things are going well despite that, you pull this shit and now I gotta start self-policing over nothing?
Just fuck off.
Idiots are gonna kill the site
I hate this.
It's awful being made to feel unwelcome in a space that I've spent so much fucking time building up for myself.
Right after a win, I get knocked back down a peg, made to feel mediocre and outcast for what I do, even within my own fucking community.
I didn't want to make this "joke" with the last person I saw but... "mourning's over"
Fighting and advocacy starts now.
It’s funny how inkbunny is more competent when running their site
Now they're turning malicious.