Always loved Rangers in games so picked up Azalea with my first box of cards, Arcane Rising. Was OK getting stomped pretty easily but it was fun! Then Outsiders changed everything 😂
Nowadays I don't find her as fun to play b/c ppl don't like being RITL'ed so I juggle a few classes to keep the peace
Nowadays I don't find her as fun to play b/c ppl don't like being RITL'ed so I juggle a few classes to keep the peace
Are ppl forgetting what it’s like to play against spectra? To get spinal crushed? Oaken old??? FROSTBITES???
tell em to side those dreacts 😭
I’m glad you were rewarded for sticking with azalea at least!
Saying “NO”
One of them even wants to be an Azalea main, I should teach them the way!