An American writer of the 1930s and ’40s, H L Mencken is credited with saying that “no one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people”.
Well kinda hard to dispute that when a majority decided to put the idiot with dementia that killed 600,000 of us the last time and tried a coup back in charge.
“According to recent data, approximately 54% of American adults read below the equivalent of a sixth-grade level, meaning that over half of the adult population falls below this literacy standard.”
It kind of purs him in a box doesn't it. Either he calls her stupid and proves her right or he makes himself and the rest look stupid and proves her right
Unfortunately the only path to defeat the incoming Christofacist regime is to let the masses feel the pain of a 4 yr recession. Dems are good at not great at stoking fear in the uneducated; only at appearing elitist while trying to educate and help them.
Stone purportedly has an IQ above 150. Not that she needs to in order to correctly observe this, but one might be able to (even) better understand her frustration.
That’s why he was uninvited to Thanksgiving.Where is the lie? Now they are realizing Obamacare &ACA are one and the same,Tariffs there favorite store Walmart is going up on prices. Latinos when he states mass deportation black men with police immunity and women’s right
The right gets very touchy when they’re called uneducated. MAGA wants that to be a bad word for us. Fact is they want their voters uneducated so that their voters can stay sheep. “Uneducated”needs to start being yelled from a megaphone.
If they're not uninformed, tens of millions of Americans either didn't CARE to know what Trump really is... or worse yet, their moral compasses are so demagnetized that the *worst crimes in American political history don't matter to them.
a majority of Americans voted trump, and orange, a felon, rapist, who picks pedos and criminals to run the government. Methinks Sharon Stone is on to something here.
I personally think people are dumb in a sense that they are driven by bias and fear, fox knows how to use that fear and at the same time the others are so bad at their jobs but mainly I believe the fox audience are in an echo chamber of pure stupidity cause theyre confused children and fox saw that
Its a simple choice & stupid is better than the alternative. The US needs to admit to being stupid or accept that it is actually evil.
"Evil, by one definition, is being bad and acting out morally incorrect behavior; or it is the condition of causing unnecessary pain and suffering," [Wikipedia]
The ignorance/stupidity amongst the general population in USA#1 is astounding. the Dunning-Krugar Effect. Yes.
Fortunately, it’s not 50% of Americans
Unfortunately, if they don’t show up they are not much different.
Others hope for more power.
Both accept the potential loss of democracy.
Canada and Mexico.
But to be fair usually stupid people are the last to know that they’re stupid.. which explains a hell of a lot
Yes, Jesse she's right. You're one of the Americans she's referring to.
Sharon and Alex are correct.
*Only an idiot woud dispute this.
As he IS the stupid people she is referring to.
Republicans want uneducated murica, easier to control . 😵💫😆
China spent big $$$ for decades in Ed , look at them. Top Literacy rates . In the US, we worship trucks and guns.. 🙄🤦🤦🤦 🧱😂😂
It's not fear their viewers are seeking but honest fact-based reporting.
"Evil, by one definition, is being bad and acting out morally incorrect behavior; or it is the condition of causing unnecessary pain and suffering," [Wikipedia]