Calling all nations , should waters ever work out how to get on plane that doesn’t crash out of America to visit another country , please revoke his right of entry . You don’t need American trash littering your country .
Watters, America does NOT run the world. The definition of great is above average. Then America is GREAT at disrespecting people with any opinion different than yours, 🔫s, mass incarceration, & v*olence... That's NOT something to brag about, Watters!
A weasely corporate shitstain like Watters likely really does believeTrumpf and Vance's bullying tag team iindicates strength.
But that's only because he's a weasely corporate shitstain.
When Watters takes his yearly summer trip to Lake Como, he should just cook his own meals in the villa. Restaurant meals could go poorly for Jesse. You know, since he's such an American big shot.
What’s really scary about this is how many people watch this and absolutely believe it.
They don’t think Fox is “the media“. So they feel perfectly comfortable settling down in front of these fox entertainment actors and getting their “news“ from them.
The world is going to move on from us. It's clear to everyone now that the United States cannot be trusted to operate in good faith, and the free world is going to start freezing us out. And I can't honestly say that we don't have it coming.
Who’s the ‘we’ this piece of shit is talking about? This sniveling little pussy sits on his ass all day in pretty clothes after getting his hair and makeup done.
Fuck him.
What upsets me also is the way they were kicked out of the WH...were they fed b4 hand? Given respite? Might be seen as a who cares moment but not to me as 1 of Italian decent, hospitality is paramount. Those people traveled miles to be ambushed. They deserved at least a good meal. Seriously.
A hospitable person wouldn’t have ambushed him like that and blamed him for having his country invaded in the first place. Zelenskyy needs to get as far away from the US as possible right now. And stay far away from windows while he’s here.
Different groups feuding over power & things that don't really belong to them. 🤷♂️ People are caught in the middle of a bunch of greedy empires & should get rid of those picks.
A huge part of the MAGA strop is the realisation that the rest of the world is telling MAGALand to go fuck itself. These fools need to go sit on the naughty step.
No apology needed from those who voted for Kamala! The lazy bastards that did not stand up for liberty and stayed home on voting day are the responsible party!
I’m still going with there’s no way he won. Many of our votes were not counted. Russia admitted to rigging the election. Musk hacked into our most secure systems. I don’t know why he could hack into the election system. Whatever it is, it doesn’t matter now and this is how we look. I am so sorry.
He talks like he can go slash Zelinskyy’s tires to force him into driving him home, dating him, and then marrying him. Not like jesse has any experience doing that.
American arrogance and ignorance. I doubt we "run the world" after today. The world saw republicans for the traitors they are and only a fool would trust the US now.
Ya see right here….this is why Merika is fucking hated now. We run the world…who the fuck does this shit think he is….cunt is behind a screen with an inch of makeup on and he’s telling us his country runs the world…get fucked you sad little shit of a man.
You can tell Jesse is in way over his head. He's practically shaking repeating these Kremlin sanctioned lines because he's not sure who the bad guys are anymore. He's afraid he's going to say something that will bite him in the ass because this isn't about "woke" BS anymore. This is geopolitics.
I'm curious: what can we call a hegemon that's been beaten by spirited farmers and fishermen in Vietnam, and chased out of Afghanistan by a group of flip-flop-wearing goat herders?
The U.S. could run the world (or was the dominant force), because it acted reliable and had great allies. Without trust and great allies it will be very difficult to be the dominant nation.
Jesse Walters is just another MAGA cult member. Nothing more. We should dismiss him as a weak, traitorous piece of shit and move on. No more air time. He’s irrelevant.
Actually we did run the world until Obama ushered in an era of “appeasement” as a foreign policy strategy designed to reduce America’s power. All that’s done is turn the rest of the world upside down. Glad to see the adults back in charge to restore order. It’s just awesome to have a leader again
Are you implying that tovarishch Krasnov is our leader? He might be your leader, but, for me, he is a decrepit, fat, old orange puke stain on the floor.
Actually we have never “run the world” Trump is currently throwing americas power that we did have in the toilet because he knows ZERO about the rest of the world much like his followers
America First! Then let’s see who has the power! The era of Obama’s “appeasement” approach to foreign policy is over. Time to focus on America First. If you care about the rest of the world put your own time and money into those causes. We don’t really care.
WE Watters? WE? You’re just another FUXNews talking head, with no experience and expertise beyond showing your face on the tube and lying. So WE? No, not even close dickhead!
Run the world? Trump destroyed all your soft power and shown that making a deal with him was pointless. The US has given up all its leverage to actually run the world.
He's also destroying our military by ousting competent people and replacing them with complete fucking morons, while also kicking out every single trans person. Gay people and women are next, and if they kick them out too our military is not just boned but completely boned.
🛑 watching FOX. Period!
I couldn’t sit for one second and look at this Smug lying POS. Goes for Angle, shmangle and cheater Hannity. Even someone previously cheated with Watters … these 3 are beyond 🤢🤮🫢. How desperate would you have to be?
I guarantee you, it's damned near impossible to recognize a war is over while you're getting shot at.
Maybe Watters should tell Putin it's America's world?
Embarrassing!! I tell people all the time to take a visit to the other hemisphere!! We are a very tiny percentage in world that hates us because of disrespectful shit like this!!
The world has just about had enough of Trump and I wouldn't be surprised if they just decided to ignore us, kick us out of G7, etc., and pretty much isolate the US in as many ways as possible. It's gonna suck for everyone but the billionaires.
“The war is over”?
It must be awesome to be a “journalist” who just gets to make up whatever “facts” you think you like.
Fuck all the way off, #JesseWatters.
It’s what weak people have to resort to - manipulating to their benefit.. couldn’t man up on his own; needed a silent lever to make himself a cheap hero
It will all be ended just like hitler nazi germany.
Because the evil & danger is 100% exposed to the good people of the World.
What would you expect from the gonad gobblers at the White Nationalist channel?
But that's only because he's a weasely corporate shitstain.
They don’t think Fox is “the media“. So they feel perfectly comfortable settling down in front of these fox entertainment actors and getting their “news“ from them.
This is terribly dangerous.
If you don't think that's where this is headed, you're fucking fooling yourself!
You couldn’t even defend your wife.
Great TV, No?
The war is not over -- Russia is still killing civilians in Ukraine.
Fuck him.
It was America's world in the old order. Felon is destroying that.
It ends when Putin says it ends.
Regardless of who you voted for.
Your dishonour will persist.
Ps) I apologize for abt 70M of us.
So... yeah.
But I guess in Felon47's mind - he's running it.
I couldn’t sit for one second and look at this Smug lying POS. Goes for Angle, shmangle and cheater Hannity. Even someone previously cheated with Watters … these 3 are beyond 🤢🤮🫢. How desperate would you have to be?
I never thought I would say this but Putin is 10x the man Trump is. Zelensky beats them both with one hand tied behind his back.
Maybe Watters should tell Putin it's America's world?
Yes Mastah! *Reads teleprompter*
It must be awesome to be a “journalist” who just gets to make up whatever “facts” you think you like.
Fuck all the way off, #JesseWatters.
Pathetic would have been a better adjective.