Khanna: Propaganda doesn’t work when the reality is terrible. What Biden had was an economy that was recovering, and we got hurt by propaganda. Now you actually have a terribly moving economy, and people are hurting. There’s no amount of things that Sean Hannity can say that’s going to pay the bills
Oh he’ll try, and his base will lap it up.
"Nominated for 5 Adolfs ✨"
But nope, they wanted to harp on egg prices (notice they've dropped that?).
don't ever pass on his statements without noting that critical fact.
ALL OF THOSE folks are Rupert Murdoch paid - multi-millionaires - ALL OF THEM
They do NOT suffer one bit from a recession, in fact they make more money pushing misery
MAGA: Wake up - you're their useful idiots
Talk about that.
All this cocksucker wants is more dead poor people and a greater proximity to power.
I am sure that suggesting to all Americans that the solution to their problems is to buy a brand new 100K$ Tesla will work.
Who needs bread , butter and eggs when you can buy a Tesla
The guy who stood in front of America and sent hundreds of thousands to their deaths by lying right to their faces? The guy who is headed STRAIGHT to hell??
THAT Hannity?
For weeks I've been outraged by the ignorance, arrogance and incompetence displayed by the Trump administration.
My outrage is turning to pity.
Ordinary Americans are so fucked.
Greenland says NO a resounding no to the Orange Puke
They will absolutely blame Dems, no matter what, or how long the effects last.
These people proclaimed Covid a hoax even as they were dying from it
there is not coming back from that
I’ll be shocked if our tech firms aren’t banned by democracies.
They’re hip to the con now. Tech billionaires tricked Americans into voting away democracy.
That’s unforgivable if you ask me.
Failed to show up when Dems tried to subpoena Muskrat which made the motion fail.
Sean Hannity & everyone else are going to blame immigrants, trans folks, liberals, and everyone else for people’s woes
It’s what the Nazis did in Germany and it worked to the point they committed mass exterminations of the people they thought were the cause of their woes
He seems to pretend these skirmishes are just normal Dem vs. Rep. instead of the naked grab for power by Trump for the executive branch. Forever.
Why would anyone listen to him now?