Sanders: You have a president who is suing ABC and CBS and the Des Moines register. He is threatening to investigate PBS and NPR. He loves media that fawns on him.. If you cannot take the criticism, get the hell out of politics
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Entire Rep administration is conspiring togethwr. Indictments needed ASAP on RICO charges. It's organozed crime at the higheat level. Why are we not already prosecuting these assholes?!?!
Nope.If your democratic mouthpieces get caught spewing deliberate lies, then sue the pants off them until they start telling the truth.No more Democratic lies!THE MSM IS DEAD!
Exactly, DJT is such a soft, emotionally unstable, wannabe dictator. He’s just an entitled, narcissistic, criminal who had the presidency bought for him to stay out of jail. Freakin loser.
The Constitution does not mention overthrowing a president by force or popular uprising. Instead, it relies on legal, procedural mechanisms to ensure accountability and orderly transfer of power.
Looks like your fucked America.
The billionaires in collaboration with the republican&democratic party. Will do this to all of us Peasants. Rich straight people of course will help. We need to make them afraid. There's over 346 million Americans. We can wipe out our problem. Urban guerella style.
Ok they attacked Bernie on everything. He didn’t cry he just kept on keeping on. Obama on his suits and a high five. Dump needs to get over himself. He’s no king. He’s a virus. 🦠
"The Denver crowd at Civic Center Park was estimated at 30,000 people..
" 'The power is here to make real change — generational change, because at this point in time, this country needs a worker-driven agenda,' Williams said."
People say these town halls don't represent the nation's pulse. Well thousands of people at every and rally tell it loud and clear
Bernie and AOC make a formidable force. Fuck the out of step Democrats, like Schumer and fight for your democracy. There's a reason Washington Democrats are out of step. They're Casper Milquetoasts and are unable and unwilling to connect with Americans in smallcountries towns and villages.
By attacking education, media, art, and satire, Trump isn’t just silencing critics—he’s reshaping reality itself.
A society that doesn’t think critically, doesn’t trust information, doesn’t create freely, and doesn’t laugh at power is a society ripe for authoritarian rule.
Catch my 5 Part series!
This is a new concern! Have you seen this??
Did anyone else have the streaming of this rally go dark while watching on the ? It started out garbled then went totally black. I tried to reload and it was a failure.
Trump: twice impeached, convicted felon, and found liable for sexual assault. His power comes from spineless, self-serving Republican enablers. Next election, choose leaders who work for the people. #VoteWisely
Look at this picture and realize what you are seeing.
It takes an 83 year old man and a woman to get things done. Think about that for a minute. Why does it always take a woman??????😡
He's attacking the First Amendment. Big as you please. All dictators do that. I wonder which way the military will go? I don't know about you but I sure hope our Judicial holds up cause he's got the Legislature. For awhile.
The 78 year old madman with dementia has always been insecure and threatens to sue anyone who doesn’t agree with him or criticize him. Thin skinned old white man.
Well, lets see it. I say this as someone with a CyberSecurity background. SiegedSec is the one that hacked the Heritage Foundation last year. Anonymous has been rather Anonymous the last few years...
As some w/ CyberSecurity background, then you probably got the notice from Anon that they were about to take Twitter/X down, and shortly afterwards it went off the air. Their recent posts have been fairly accurate thus far...but, as you said, let's see the evidence when released.
All the evidence I've seen has the DDoS attack linked to locations in the middle east, where Darkstorm is. There was chatter, and Anonymous probably picked up on some of it.
He’s calling out the hypocrisy of leaders who can’t handle criticism. Politics should be tough, and if someone can’t take the heat, they probably shouldn’t be in the kitchen!
Sometimes the media is directly controlled by the government, but in other cases, the media is indirectly controlled by government regulation, or sympathetic media spokespeople and executives. Censorship, especially in war time, is very common.
Never really cared for Sanders but he sure is on the right track with this. Then there is the thing with the oligarchs - have to agree with him on a lot of that also.
Only say positive things about me because my 6 year old fragile ego can’t handle it 😭. Felon 47 is exacting revenge on every bully that harassed him. We are the punching bags.
I hate Donald J Trump! Can I
Get some people to follow me and we can start this train to eliminate him from our country…period?TRUMP CAN GTFO OF AMERICA!!!
Inflated orange maniac can't take the criticism because because? His ego is damaged. His sense of self is obscure & inefficient. Nothing inside except for contempt, jealousy, fear, confusion, bad breathe & indigestion....nothing else human exists. No empathy, no human being inside or anywhere else.
Because imho th Dems are gutless pontificators who love to run their mouths while doing nothing to back up what they say. This just has to be the most spineless bunch of pussies as there ever were. They don’t want to get down n dirty w th enemy within, they are far too polite to ever do that.
Especially Centrists love Corporate Donors, even especially Billionaires, the very people that want Trump & Musk to kill more people by end many programs and things going as far back as the end of the 1700s, the Billionaires love chaos & torture.
Because many of them are corporate shills? This is why the Party's approval rating is so low. It's not just that they don't fight, which is bad enough. But many are just as bad as any Republican. AOC and the others are far and few between.
There’s a video by a guy way up in the comments - it’s long but the guy is very smart. And basically it’s money. Always money. The big dems are fat cats too.
Don't know if y'all know but apparently very few of us have been calling / emailing our reps & senators demanding impeachment. No organizations are demanding it. 😬
Like PBS, NPR…any media at all…is a pressing concern? We’d like him to stop trying to torpedo our government, right in front of our constitution. Every day. We’d like him to remove the civilian and the illegal government “department” stealing our information. We’d like health care and education!!
Trumps also trying to take free speech away from colleges & universities by threatening funding! Controlling freedom of education is CENSORSHIP by anyone else & DICTATORSHIP BY a POTUS!
So I suppose that Bernie’s status as an Independent means he can’t replace doormat Schumer. Too bad, it would be fun seeing some actual opposition in the Senate.
Where are our checks & balances? Dem lawmakers it falls to you to STEP UP WITH ACTION & goad GOP counterparts into honoring their Oaths
Investigating NPR & PBS for what? They are truly objective and do not take sides, slant or push an agenda - remarkably so. He will definitely shut them down if he can - they are independent but............
For some reason a large number of dems have always had it out for Bernie. Not my place to say why, but I've agreed with him since 2005 when I first learned of him. Love him or hate him, he's got a simple economic message that cuts through and I can't understand why more dems won't talk like him.
I used to be critical of Bernie, but the reality is he has been correct and spot on for years. I acknowledged my mistakes and its time others did too. I did shift harder to the left in recent years... and consider myself Euro-left, which is more left wing than Bernie.
The Democrats and the Republicans have to come together to take the country back for the people of the United States. If they wait much longer it will be too late. Good luck to honest Americans. You are an absolute icon. This is what we really need. Someone who is unafraid to speak the truth, someone who will actually speak up. Thank you, genuinely, and please keep the message going. The atrocities committed against our Democracy should hold repercussions.
An old and true saying in Politics; "If you cannot take the criticism, get the hell out of politics"!
Using threats is Donald Trump's most significant flaw... because a coward cannot accept criticism.
Bernie has no fucks left to give--
He is on fire!!!
His legacy will be strong.
Musk is the #1 Oligarch to eliminate 2025.
Get Musk out of our White House NOW🔥🔥🔥
That would leave one huge political party. Not that I have a problem with Democrats (I'm a registered, active older voting Democrat). It's just that we're being given a Masters class in absolute power corrupting absolutely, and nobody's perfect. If it kills MAGA, it's a tossup at best. 🤔🤔🤔
Looks like your fucked America.
The billionaires in collaboration with the republican&democratic party. Will do this to all of us Peasants. Rich straight people of course will help. We need to make them afraid. There's over 346 million Americans. We can wipe out our problem. Urban guerella style.
"The Denver crowd at Civic Center Park was estimated at 30,000 people..
" 'The power is here to make real change — generational change, because at this point in time, this country needs a worker-driven agenda,' Williams said."
A society that doesn’t think critically, doesn’t trust information, doesn’t create freely, and doesn’t laugh at power is a society ripe for authoritarian rule.
Catch my 5 Part series!
Share it on TikTok!!
We need pushback on the right wing propagandists!
Signups @ and for protest info
Attend town hall meetings
This administration (actually it is a regime!) has illegally arrested, detained and/or deported so many people without due process, one of these cases will get through. Then they will deport ANYONE THEY WANT.
It takes an 83 year old man and a woman to get things done. Think about that for a minute. Why does it always take a woman??????😡
"President" is that Anonymous
claims to have found proof that
he lost Election 2024:
If I'm wrong, I'll be the first to admit it.
And lots of others besides Darkstorm are claiming responsibility now.
#BernieSanders #AOC #PoliticalAccountability ##Democracy #StandUpToOligarchy #CriticismIsNecessary #SpeakTruthToPower
Sometimes the media is directly controlled by the government, but in other cases, the media is indirectly controlled by government regulation, or sympathetic media spokespeople and executives. Censorship, especially in war time, is very common.
Get some people to follow me and we can start this train to eliminate him from our country…period?TRUMP CAN GTFO OF AMERICA!!!
DEI masculinity 2025
Please enter your ZIP & contact. Tell them you are a constituent and you want them to vote to impeach.
He deserves respect and our gratitude.
Bernie stands with the 99%
media lies
*Following Putin doesn't count!
Why Musk, the EV guy, is installing politicians to kill net zero: Trump, Reform UK, AfD. ⬇️
Give all your attention to co-president Elon Musk and watch how quickly Trump implodes.
Using threats is Donald Trump's most significant flaw... because a coward cannot accept criticism.
He is on fire!!!
His legacy will be strong.
Musk is the #1 Oligarch to eliminate 2025.
Get Musk out of our White House NOW🔥🔥🔥
And we can eat some popcorn 🍿.