Casar: There’s a debate happening about how we should respond to the oligarchy. Some say that we should just roll over and play dead. Others say we should stand and fight.
Anybody here think we should roll over and play dead?
Crowd: Nooo… chants “stand and fight”
Anybody here think we should roll over and play dead?
Crowd: Nooo… chants “stand and fight”
You first, Carville!
But maybe your grandchildren will find the courage to do what you should be doing right now.
That time is now, the tyran is here.
Dear American, do something
💙 💙
As soon as there is violence of any sort, the trump/GOP cabal will declare martial law.
Will the US military attack civilians on the streets?
Kent State in Ohio for unarmed protests, yes.
The #KKK #Nazis are in the White House, led by #PutinsPuppet.
“Yesss!!! We will roll over and stick our heads in the sand!”
He knows these judges are our last line of defense, so he's using his power and money to rig another election. Please mobilize and spread awareness!
Wisconsin, let's vote and support Judge Crawford!
Also visit 🥰🥰
Whether you sit on the side lines it’s the same. If you try to hide altogether you’re still gonna be hurt.
In my mind I’d rather do everything to fight for what’s right if the outcome is going to be the same.
The second and most heinous of them all - we do an El- Salvadore and ship him out - We paint him all orange - dark orange - so he feels right at home - don't forget the shaved head -
Do you have anything better -
How anyone hoards wealth to the point of qualifying as a billionaire yet still can say they curate these values, is beyond belief.
Is this really how Americans want to treat people- ANY people???
Congress, courts, the press, & the PEOPLE must *all* work to STOP this selfish sociopath if we want to stay free.
Elon is firing us so that robots and AI can replace us. Only the oligarchs will survive with the rest being "service" to those oligarchs.
a) Aristocracy: rule by the [typically inherited] privileged few
b) Plutocracy: rule by the wealth few
There are Many Millions More of us!!!!!
I would rather die fighting than be forced to watch the downfall of my nation.
Please enter your ZIP & contact. Tell them you're a constituent & you want them to vote to impeach.
Let’s remind ourselves and others to ask them why they don’t have anything a tab for Impeachment.
There's enough of us to cover everything. We could be 50 million strong if everyone helped.
Their extended families should be shunned and driven from society.
No shopping, dining or public venues should let them in.
End Citizens United
Eat the Rich
Tax the Rich until there are no Poor.
I'm kinda stubborn
Their shame will endure long after the restoration
In the end, we're all doing what we can, don't get high on your own farts bec you think you & you alone know the moment we are in
Let alone how we contribute to resistance
Continue to play dead, I will be at a protest. Fighting for my rights and yours.
We got Nixon, you can get Trump.
The more people on here the better to get more done in every way
Recommend these too:
On repeat
Over and over
I don't care how much support he gets from Putin or how badly he wants to be king: N O W A Y !
Tariffs are to extort and break alliances.
Use this intro:
Senator you were elected to a national level office and your votes impact every person in the country. I am calling you as one of those citizens.
Use the last 4 digits in PHONE column
Call every day
Blow up VM
trump is the disease
trump is the disease
Then you might actually roll over and be actually dead.
"Firs they came for... and I did nothing."
Please get involved!
Don't sit on the sideline!
Let's keep our Democratic Republic!
🔹️when cowards capitulate out of fear of losing what they have
🔹️when heroes rise to resist, risking everything to fight fascism regardless of the cost
🔹️when history remembers those who stood firm against oppression and vilifies those who don't
10 years later, here we sit in a pile of shit. Rallies don't do a fucking thing.
Gonna take something a little more...enthusiastic.
To be sitting here in my 50s, despite the Clinton & Obama yrs, we ended up w/ this collection of ghouls in charge is so depressing. Can't even fight anymore.
Also to use these too: