Beaucoup de nouveau monde ici, bienvenue à bord ! x)
Ici, ça cause mangas/animes et jv avant tout. Et aussi Doctor Who.
Et parfois, j'cause de mes créations x)
Lots of new people here, welcome aboard x)
here, I speak mostly manga/anime and video games. And Doctor Who. And my creations, sometimes x)
Ici, ça cause mangas/animes et jv avant tout. Et aussi Doctor Who.
Et parfois, j'cause de mes créations x)
Lots of new people here, welcome aboard x)
here, I speak mostly manga/anime and video games. And Doctor Who. And my creations, sometimes x)
(And he's also really cool and full of knowledges in mangas and games !)
But I didn't lie, tho xD
(Thanks, thanks, I try my best x))
Like I want people to come to the end of RWBY's Volume 3, I just enjoy the perks x)
But as an OG fan, it's the perk to see the younger ones suffer :D