We need to get moving on defence, even if the Armed Forces don’t want to.
With respect to the F35 & sovereignty, I agree it's far along & we need urgent replacement for the ancient CF18s.
But, F35 leaves us very vulnerable to US in terms of spare parts & politics
Cost, ease of training on 1 type, parts, maintenance, facilities etc.
But maybe the risk the US poses justifies cost of buying 2 type of fighters say 45 F35s & 100 tempest or Saabs Gripem replacement
Pros - all eggs aren't in one US Basket,
- urgent replacement of CF18 with reduced F35 order, they're in steady state production now
Purchase of
- gripen or eurofighter replacement - aligns Canada interoperability with Europe (stable democracies)
But drastically improves Canadian security and positions Canada military to operate with EU when/if US Leaves NATO, breaks its alliances
We need to get our numbers up and fast. I think everything is too small. I tend to like the idea of another fighter, either based in Europe to further cement our commitment there or held in readiness in Canada.
Expensive? Yup. So?
During 9/11 it was a Canadian Naval officer on Watch at cheyenne mountain for North America Air Command
Cdr (Skip) Walker that recieved the order from Bush to close the skies over the USA to all commercial traffic. Spicy times
Defence has long been regarded in Ottawa as a *waste*, so it gets ignored and we have done as little as possible.