You are exactly right. Florida is an excellent example as well. If someone doesn't affect someone directly, it's not their problem, & not their concern. So ridiculously short sighted.
I was just thinking... more accurately, you are (& should be) protecting yourself from white supremacist christofascists & MAGAts (frequently one & the same) and l am *most definitely not* any of those.
I can't begin to understand the hate & ugliness in this country, except to blame much on worsening US education, & the powerful/wealthy & the weaponizing fear of "the other" to manipulate the "poorly educated" which has worked so well to divide the cntry like never before, which is not sustainable😕
You don't know anything about me. It seems to me that ultimately we will all have to depend on one another for our very survival, but good luck to you.
Evangelist Kenneth Copeland Ministries brought Measles in from overseas in 2013. So it may not be Immigrants bringing it in, but Unvaxxed Citizens that Travel.
Mi más sentido pésame. Tengo familiares que piensan lo mismo y piensan que la oración es todo lo que se necesita. No se dan cuenta, a veces Dios necesita ayuda para ayudar.
I worked many year in disaster prevention and emergency preparedness.
Nobody want to hear about it. So, go to die.
México city 2245m over sea level lake.
Same as Spaniards found but in actual city.
Have you ever tried other diseases?
Many people say that in Australia and Thailand there are poisonous creatures and exotic diseases.
Call your travel agent now!
I don't know you, I don't hate you, but I'm conscious that we have to defend against you and your kind.
Simple as that.
Give it to the gringo so he doesn't infect your baby or grandma.
Have no fear they will continue to seek our largesse.
I am working in ways how to add weekly progress in picking up the slack for our leaderless nation.
First up, working with domestic violence survivors to be sure they know how to be safe online.
Is it true that with the right charger and a person can continuously get access to your phone and various accounts?
Can we stop allowing US entrance from that international area filed with disease?
I wonder who brought it in to Kentucky?
Do they travel much?
So, as the first law of geography says "nearby things are more related than distant things."
So, let them die there and protect your children keeping them away
That reduces infection possibility. Not absolutely of course, but in great degree of course.
Were you lucky enough to not be in the US during covid? They held lox parties.
I live in Mexico.
My kingdom for an edit button.
Mi pareja anterior no creía en los virus, pero si creía en el pensamiento sanador.
Falleció de cáncer y se llevó mi corazón con ella aún mucho tiempo después.