Must have read about it as a kid.
I am the proud owner of one. I didn't know I had it until I looked out an old King Charles weight I had from Dad and there was a groat in there too.
Much simpler now, tho I do miss the jenny wren on a farthing.
Length and temperature, otoh, my mind is a muddle of both systems, have never properly transferred to metric.
Im very used to metric now but in smaller measurements, can only visualise in inches, which I was taught is about the length of the top of your thumb. 🤔
I’ll bet that the English had much better math scores when they had this monetary system. This was also a horror show to program into a computer. I wonder if that is what really drove the change.
Yeah. I think old money was probably easier for day to day spending and wages than decimal currency. But a nightmare for spreadsheets, interest, inflation and high finance. We think in spreadsheets now. It's hard to imagine a different world.
I still know all this, even though it's useless (£1 = 240 pence/480 halfpence/960 farthings). Apart from a pound being divisible by 3 (6s/8d), decimal wins every time.
I am the proud owner of one. I didn't know I had it until I looked out an old King Charles weight I had from Dad and there was a groat in there too.
Length and temperature, otoh, my mind is a muddle of both systems, have never properly transferred to metric.
Simples 😂
They confused the shit out of everyone with this currency and they just said “fuck it”
Better than America, anyway.
Picts, Celts, Beaker People, Romans, Druids … all had the same number of fingers.
The stupidity of a 10p coin AND a 12 1/2p, or a £1 coin and a £1.05, AND a £1.12 1/2 (Sovereign).