I spy a fellow Powell’s fan💙 waving to you from Tigard👋Our techno kids will never really understand the value of the printed page, what books mean to us. And especially the stores that sell them, where you can spend all day visiting a kaleidoscope of alternate realities without a passport.
My favorite place. My Grandson who is 9 has been going to Powells with his best friend since he was 7 years old. They run for their book section. It’s a joy
Honestly, best bookstore in the world. Of course that doesn't stop me from checking out every other bookstore I see, but Powells will always hold a special place.
I love Powells. I remember the first time I walked in the door and got my map, I was so excited I actually felt faint.
So that is a bit embarrassing, but sadly completely true😬
Powell's is the Bomb Diggity!
OUR PLACE in Cosby, Tennessee, is also fantastic! 😍
It's my idea of heaven.
I felt like that kid in The Never Ending Story
So that is a bit embarrassing, but sadly completely true😬