Faircity- still none the wiser, is he gay or just trolling Georgie. Anyway probably won't see him for months. The Elves storyline getting on my wick. Does Gwen ever stop sticking her beak in other people's business
Where are Anna's flatmates Maria & Simon gone?
Paul & Orla at each others throats?
Pill popping Pete story?
Doug & Erica and the fixed draw?
Who killed Laura?
What about Sharon's 2 boys who moved to UK after killing Will?
Bring back Christiano
Paul & Orla at each others throats?
Pill popping Pete story?
Doug & Erica and the fixed draw?
Who killed Laura?
What about Sharon's 2 boys who moved to UK after killing Will?
Bring back Christiano
The list goes on and on and on 🤣🤣🤣